Tiger Balm Ultra Strength Pain Relieving Ointment Non-Staining 18 gm
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Tiger Balm Ultra Strength Pain Relieving Ointment Non-Staining 18 gm

Product ID: 460399491
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Overexertion; Joint Pains; Backaches; Arthritis; Stiffness; Sprains; High disability levels or high pain intensity levels at the onset of chronic back pain; Low level of education in the person with back pain; Greater perceived risk of persistent pain from the back pain sufferer; Discover; MasterCard; Visa; PayPal; American Express; PayPal Credit. Tiger Balm Ultra White Non-Staining Ultra Strength by Tiger Balm 18 g Balm Untitled Document The classic Tiger Balm ointment which many of us grew up with. It is often used for headache remedies. Count on this family favorite to soothe a variety of ailments like stuffy nose flatulence and itch due to insect bites. Gently rub over the affected area to allow its herbal formulation to soothe headaches stuffy nose and other discomforts quickly and effectively. Headache remedies Relieves stuffy nose flatulence and itch due to insect bites Fast acting pain-relief properties Made from herbal ingredients Available in sizes from 1.25g to 30g. Tiger Balm Ultra Strength Non-Staining Pain Relieving Ointment, 0.63 oz 0.63 oz jar of Tiger Balm Ultra Strength Non-Staining Pain Relieving Ointment.; Ointment for relief of joint and muscle pain, stiff muscles, arthritis, and backaches.; To use, rub well on the affected area, Repeat 3 to 4 times daily; For children 12 years of age or younger, consult a doctor before use;

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