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Cra-Z-Art Be Inspired Glitter Makeover Studio with Case, Makeup Set Ages 8 and up
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Cra-Z-Art Be Inspired Glitter Makeover Studio with Case, Makeup Set Ages 8 and up

Product ID: 461638137
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Get glammed up with the Be Inspired Glitter Makeover Studio with Case from Cra-Z-Art! Over 35 makeup colors, brushes, and other accessories are included in this glamorous collection for eyes, cheeks, and lips. Make a statement with your choice of looks and create your own unique style! A metallic shimmer carrying case is included to keep all your supplies organized. Whether you're just getting started or you're already a beauty enthusiast, this on-the-go makeup set will be perfect for you! This ultimate makeup artist set comes with everything you need for a total dreamy makeover, including a makeup case with a mirror, 20 eye shadows, 5 lip colors, 3 cheek colors, 5 lipsticks, 2 lip glosses, 1 double-ended lip gloss, 6 applicators, 3 makeup brushes, 1 sticker sheet, and easy to follow step-by-step instructions. Makeup is safe and non-toxic. Great Easter Gift for Kids. For ages 8 and up. Be "always creative" with Cra-Z-Art! Cra-Z-Art Be Inspired Glitter Makeover Studio with Case, Makeup Set Ages 8 and up Get a total makeover anytime and anywhere with this all-in-one Glitter Makeover Studio! A glamorous collection for your eyes, cheeks, and lips Over 35 colors, brushes, and other accessories are included in this package 20 eye shadows, 5 lip colors, 3 cheek colors, 5 lipsticks, 2 lip glosses, 1 double-ended lip gloss, 6 applicators, 3 makeup brushes, 1 sticker sheet, and metallic shimmer carrying case with mirror Choose your look, create your own unique style! Safe and non-toxic, made with ingredients you can trust This makeup kit is suitable for children ages 8 and up Great Easter Gift for Kids

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TrustScore 4.5 | 7,300+ reviews

Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

1 month ago

Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

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TrustScore 4.5 | 7,300+ reviews

Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

2 days ago